Beach Walk #11 – My Story
So Noah asked that I put the title first so we can search them and no longer title my blogs as Beach Walk with the number. Has he met me? I count everything. So today was beach walk # 11 for those of you who know me and know I am keeping count, but for …
Immigration Court Asylum Victory!
Today in Baltimore Immigration Court, I was lucky to be able to help a client from Eritrea get asylum. My client had been subjected to almost six months incommunicado detention where she was raped and beaten after speaking out against the government at a work meeting. Like many Eritrean women, she had also been subjected …
Counter to Claims of Border Failure, Studies Show Drastic Reduction in Mexican Immigration
In another example of reality undercutting the hysterical claims by anti-immigration proponents that border failures and a flood of new illegal immigrants require discriminatory state laws to “fill in the gap,” the Immigration Policy Center reports that immigration from Mexico (the largest source of immigration) has decreased by 60% since 2006! But this does not mean that …
9th Circuit Reiterates that BIA’s 30-Day Appeals Deadline is Non-Jurisdictional
Please, no one take this as an excuse to blow off the Board of Immigration Appeals deadlines, but the 9th Circuit recently restated its holding that the BIA’s appeals deadline is not jurisdictional, overturning (in that circuit) the BIA’s attempted overruling of circuit precedent. In a decision found here, the 9th Circuit called the 30-day …
9th Circuit Reiterates that BIA’s 30-Day Appeals Deadline is Non-Jurisdictional Read More »
Noah Clements Honored with Florida Bar President’s Pro Bono Service Award
On January 27, Noah Clements was honored with the Florida Bar President’s Pro Bono Service Award for the out-of-state division. Many thanks to Sidley Austin for the opportunities.