Live For Live Music – a website that reports on many live music happenings and issues – has a great interview with the “Festival Lawyer”, Cameron Bowman. Bowman talks about how festival-goers can protect their rights, but his advice is pretty much applicable to everyone.
L4LM: It sounds like the best answer, when dealing with the cops, is to just say no.
CB: (Chuckles) Yeah. I always tell people in interactions with police officers is be pleasant, be polite, don’t run away or do anything stupid. But always keep in the back of your mind that your position is “I don’t agree to be searched. I’d like to leave if I can. Am I being detained?” Don’t make a statement. Basically there’s nothing you can do at that point if you’re under investigation that can help you. All you can do is hurt yourself and make it easier for the police officers.